Saturday 16 March 2013

Design and Simulation of High Level Low Power 7T SRAM Cell Using Various Process & Circuit Techniques

Low power memory is required today most priority with also high stability. The power is most important factor for today technology so the power reduction for one cell is vital role in memory design techniques. In this paper we introduced some design circuit techniques for low power design. Leakage current in standby mode is the major part of power loss.We concentrate on the technique that toreduced the leakage current in standby mode.The one CMOS transistor leakage current due to various parameter is the vital role of power consumption. The CMOS leakage current at the process level can be decreased by some implement on deep sub micron method. The circuit level technique is reduced power consumption at very high level. In this paper we simulate the 7T SRAM cell using many techniques both circuit level, process level in one cell as Hybrid cell.
Key Word — CMOS, SRAM, Threshold Voltage, Circuit techniques, Process Technique

Full Paper Download Link - Design and Simulation of High Level Low Power 7T SRAM Cell Using Various Process & Circuit Techniques

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