Yahoo’s CEO, Marissa Mayer, and its executive vice president of HR, Jacqueline Reses, started a firestorm a few weeks ago with a memo
that called all its work-at-home personnel back into the office,
beginning in June. By some reports, that’s only a few hundred employees,
but it seems others, who work at home regularly for part of the week,
or who less regularly but more than occasionally work at home, would no
longer be allowed to work remotely as well.
On the one side of the argument are voices like that of business tycoon
Richard Branson, no stranger to managing tens of thousands of
employees, who quickly blogged on the matter and tweeted,
“Perplexed by Yahoo stopping remote working. Give people the freedom of
where to work, and they will excel,” and Matt Mullenweg, founder of
WordPress, who commented that he “is 100 percent committed to being
distributed—130 of our 150 people are outside of San Francisco.”
Valley culture isn’t entirely in favor of telecommuting, however. It’s
the exception at Google, which is not only a model of high-tech success
in general, but where its former employee No. 20, Marissa Mayer, had spent most of her professional career.
There’s no way I, or any tech journalist, or even any tycoon or
start-up founder is likely to know what’s best for Yahoo better than its
CEO does. But I thought we could step back from the firestorm and ask:
What do we really know about telecommuting, a practice whose efficacy is
a moving target, given rapid advances in computing, broadband, mobile
communications, and the technologies of collaboration?
So my guest today is John Sullivan. He’s a professor of management at
San Francisco State University and head of his own company, DJS Consulting. He joins us by phone.
John, welcome to the podcast.
John Sullivan: Thank you, Steven.
Steven Cherry: Let’s start with a few basic
assertions, pro and con, that are often made. No. 1: Employee
interaction encourages innovation, while working from home boosts
productivity. True or false?
John Sullivan: True.
Steven Cherry: In an op-ed piece in The New York Times,
a Silicon Valley entrepreneur argued this: “But it is also the case
that some of the most creative insights come only when you give the
human brain unstructured time to think. Opportunities for such
freewheeling thought rarely present themselves amid the hustle and
bustle of daily office life.”
John Sullivan: Well, the key point is you can’t mix,
you know, words. Creativity is not innovation. Creativity is idea
generation. And, you know, you might create a lot of ideas smoking pot
or sitting in a room, but innovation is implemented ideas. Innovation is
ideas that come to marketplace. So you’re not comparing the same thing.
If you look at telecommute workers, they’re happy, they’re engaged,
they’re productive, but none of those are even related to innovation.
Steven Cherry: I mentioned that the initial target of
the Yahoo edict was its customer service personnel. How much innovation
do you think Yahoo gets from that group? Why not have one rule for them,
say, and another for product teams?
John Sullivan: Well, you could have a train where one
part of the train’s moving at 5 miles an hour and the rest at 50, and
you’d have a crash. So the answer is no one’s exempt from innovation.
You have to remember, Yahoo is fighting Google, which is a machine—the
No. 3 most valuable company in the world, a serial innovator unlike any
other except, perhaps, Apple, both of which are within, you know,
bicycle distance of Yahoo. So they’re getting their ass kicked, and they
have been for many years.
And so the answer is, the only way to beat Apple is to out-innovate
Apple. The only way to beat Google is to out-innovate Google. And since
Marissa comes from Google, as you mentioned, she knows they have tons of
data to show that there’s a formula for innovation. There’s a way to
improve innovation. There’s a way to become a serial innovator. And that
is totally different than being productive. Accountants are productive,
but they’re not innovators. And they will probably actually hurt your
So Larry Page, the head of Google, actually has a phrase: He expects
you to improve at 1000 percent. In other words, improve everything you
do by 10 times. And he actually says if you focus on continuous
improvement—or efficiency or productivity, in my terms—if you focus on
continuous improvement, you are guaranteed never to be wildly successful
because you’ll be so focused on improving by, you know, these small
percentages, you’ll never see the big picture. So a company will, you
know, miss the opportunity that eBay or Facebook or Twitter came along
So you have to be careful. The profit return from innovation is
literally 10 times higher than the profit return from efficiency.
Accountants make you very little money; innovators make you lots of
money. For example, the average employee at Apple generates US $2.2
million every year. The average employee at Yahoo generates $350 000.
Six and a half times. So what Marissa’s doing is saying, I need this
kind of output from my people. I need this kind of profitability, and it
only comes from serial innovation. We’re not a serial innovation firm.
And every part of it from customer service to HR to janitors have to be
part of it.
And the Google data shows, incidentally, that it’s not interaction
between engineers; all people at the same function work together, just a
common practice. It’s interaction between engineers and finance,
engineers and design, engineers and production or marketing. Those are
where the interactions—they’re called “serendipitous interactions” or
“casual interactions”—that’s where the collaboration and the innovation
comes from.
Steven Cherry: Sure. I’ll ask the whole thing. What
about the Richard Branson credo: “Give people the freedom of where to
work, and they will excel.” Let’s call this assertion No. 2: Employees
who are empowered to choose where and when to work will work more
happily and better. True or false?
John Sullivan: Well, those are what we call words. So
words are interesting, and they make good poetry, but you need data. So
he has no data. He’s not a data-driven guy. Google has data. So they
have a whole function called the People Analytics group that does
nothing but analyze how to get the most out of workers, how to increase
innovation. So whenever anyone has an opinion, I mean it’s great to have
an opinion, but if you’re an engineer, you understand that at Google or
Facebook, decisions are made based on data.
So the data is crystal clear, whether it’s a university study from
Harvard Medical School or from internally at Google, is that the profit
return from being innovative is so high that it’s worth any cost—free
food, free bus shuttles, free you name it—compared to the actual loss
when you focus on continuous innovation.
So he’s wrong, and he has no data to back up his statements. He’s equivalent to Donald Trump. He has an opinion. Good for him.
Steven Cherry: I guess that’s also going to take care
of assertion No. 3, which is companies that encourage working from home
are saving a fortune in real estate and related costs. True or false?
John Sullivan: No, they’re losing a fortune. The real
estate costs are a real savings, but the loss of innovation is the real
cost. So one more time, the most valuable firm—the No. 2 most valuable
firm in the world is Apple. The No. 3 is Google. Neither one allow you
to telecommute. The highest IPO in history is Facebook. They do not
allow you to telecommute. Maybe there’s something to that.
Steven Cherry: So if what we really care about is
things like innovation, why don’t we measure it directly and give
managers the freedom and the responsibility to get it whenever and with
whatever policies that work?
John Sullivan: Well, because in order to be a manager,
you sometimes just have to be there longer. And maybe they’re even an
engineer, but they’re—they didn’t really take a class in management. So
unfortunately, in the high-[tech] field, there aren’t many good
managers. So if you look at what Larry Page has done at Google, they’ve
turned management into science. And there was even a time at Google
where they tried to discourage having managers. But because they’re a
data-driven math camp, they did an analysis data program called Project
Oxygen. They analyzed hundreds of—or thousands, actually—of examples and
said, do you need managers? If so, what makes a great manager, and can
you turn a bad manager into a good one?
And again, using a data-driven approach, they found that there are
eight characteristics of a great manager, you can turn bad managers into
great leaders, and that the dollar impact of a manager is the highest
of all of the factors. So, you know, it’s a data-based decision. This is
a math camp. You make decisions based on what works, and you don’t have
opinions, you know.
Steven Cherry: There were some stories that Marissa
Mayer was relying on VPN logs that showed her that people working
remotely weren’t logged in very much. That seems pretty unlikely,
because VPN logs probably aren’t a great—uh…What other data do you think
she was bringing over from her Google experience that led her to think
John Sullivan: Well, all of it. I mean she’s even
brought Google people with her. She’s not dumb. And so they have
diversity studies that show how to get more women engineers, how to
retain them, how to get them promoted, how to get them more productive.
They have a really intriguing retention study, which can predict when an
engineer’s going to quit six months in advance with a, you know,
80-something percent accuracy rate. They have an algorithm for hiring.
They know precisely what kind of person will succeed, you know, if
they’re hired. Google is an incredible place. So she just borrowed it,
and I’d recommend everyone do that.
So, you know, at Google they measure the length of the cafeteria line.
They measure the length of the table in the cafeteria. Why? Well, if the
line’s too short, people will just get their food and they won’t talk
to anyone. If the line’s too long, people will get frustrated and leave
the line. So the goal is three to four minutes in the line, have you
collaborate with different people. If you sit at round tables, it turns
out you talk to only two people, but if you walk in and there’s a long
table like in high school, you will bounce off or interrupt or talk to
eight people. And so they have designed the building, the tables, the
coffee line, everything, in order to increase collaboration.
So there’s a formula, which not everyone knows but, you know, it’s not a
top secret, is that at Google, innovation comes from four—three
factors. First, rapid learning, or what they call “discovery.” Second,
collaboration, which occurs when you bump into people. And third is fun,
which when you’re having fun and you bump into employees, you learn and
discover. So they have a formula for it. They—you—you have a lot fun
there. And by the way, you have the same fun at Facebook when they have a
free ice cream store, free bakery, free barbecue. So it’s all
So when I hear these uneducated people with opinions, it’s like, no,
you’ve never been to Google, and Facebook copied exactly what Google
did, and Marissa’s copying exactly what Google did. So it’s the No. 3
most valuable company in the world, and its IPO was, what, nine years
ago? It’s a phenomenon. It’s unbelievable. People could learn a lot from
using the data.
Steven Cherry: One thing we haven’t talked about is a possible middle ground. The New York Times
op-ed piece that I mentioned before described an in-office policy of
12:00 noon to five o’clock, three afternoons per week. Leaving those
details aside, is it possible to get the best of both worlds?
John Sullivan: Sure. You could have half the
innovation if you let people work at home half the time. No, that’s
silly. So op-ed means opinion; it’s not data-based. So if you can find a
number in that op-ed, let me know. But the answer is no; this is
science. So if your audience is engineers, you ought to be angry about
these people in HR or social work or wherever the hell they come from
with opinions. This is scientifically based. There’s no accident. She’s
doing this to double, triple, and quadruple profit. You can’t innovate
half the day. And if you could, why, when you could innovate the whole
Steven Cherry: Well, you’ve provided a lot of
ammunition, I think, for the anti-telecommuting crowed and a lot of
ammunition for my personal campaign to get free lunches here at Spectrum.
John Sullivan: Well, how’s that? When you bring people
in, you have to pay real estate, as you mentioned, but the food is
expensive. They ride the shuttle. It’s incredibly expensive to bring
people in. She would have to be an idiot to spend all that extra money
if there wasn’t a huge return. And that’s what people don’t realize. If
you can innovate, serial innovation like Apple, there is so much money
that the food becomes, you know, chump change. It doesn’t matter.
So remember, this is a place—Google has a bowling alley, free massage,
all this stuff that every other company in the world thinks silly
because they don’t have the data. If you had the data, you’d say, hey,
let’s have two bowling alleys.
Once you understand the importance of interaction, the only problem
with interaction is that you have Google employees sitting—so they do
open office, I’m sure you’ve seen their standing desks, all that stuff.
So the only—you interact with people and you run into someone and say,
“Steven, whatcha doing?” “Oh, I just won the Nobel Prize.” Well, now I
feel stupid slow, and I say, “Well, how’d you do that?” And you can help
me with my problem. So that’s where the value of innovation comes. But
what you haven’t thought of—what if the people you ran into didn’t work
for the same company?
So the next step of what Marissa’s doing—Google, of course, being the
leader, already does it—is what’s called “co-work,” where you will
literally not telecommute, but you will be sitting close to people from
other companies, from faster, mostly start-ups, more agile companies, so
that your learning speed, for discovery, your interactions,
collaborations, will be literally twice as powerful. Your solutions
outside the box will be from a much bigger box.
So the next wave that most people haven’t heard of or haven’t thought
of is co-working, where you get the same amount of interaction, but you
also get it with people who don’t work for the same company, and
therefore you increase innovation even faster.
Steven Cherry: That actually sounds a lot like MIT’s
Building 20, which was famous for the way unplanned encounters between
seemingly unrelated academic departments there led to some world-class
discoveries in high-speed photography, microwaves, Chomskyan
linguistics, and I believe the first video games, so…
John Sullivan: And so, you know, we’ve had Bell Labs.
We’ve had PARC. We’ve had all sorts of famous laboratories, but we’ve
never had people from different companies innovating and doing research
side by side. And that’s the next iteration. You’ll be doing a podcast
on that a year or two from now.
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