When it comes to pollution press coverage, CO2 beats SO2
hands down. (A quick Google search for “carbon dioxide” and
“pollution” found 18.2 million hits; “sulfur dioxide” and “pollution”
turned up 4.1 million.) Still, sulfur dioxide remains a major cause of
acid rain. And sulfuric acid droplets in the stratospheric aerosol layer
moderate greenhouse warming by reflecting solar radiation back into
In the past, climatologists focused on the roles played by industry or
by colossal volcanic eruptions—those with Volcanic Explosivity Indices
of 6 or above, like Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 (VEI 6), Krakatoa in 1883 (VEI
6), and Tambora in 1815 (VEI 7). Eruptions like these can reduce global
temperatures by one or two degrees Celsius over a period of years. (See
Simon Winchester’s 2003 book Krakatoa or William and Nicholas Klingaman’s just-published The Year without Summer, about Tambora’s aftermath.)
Atmospheric sulfur dioxide undeniably comes from both human and
geological sources. The open question is, which source predominates?
Many environmentalists point accusing fingers at industrial
activity—fossil-fuel-fired power plants, factories, and internal
combustion vehicles—especially in India and China, which have increased
their SO2 emissions some 60 percent over the past decade.
Researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder (collaborating
with geophysicists from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, MIT, and NASA) tried to trace the origins of sulfur
dioxide by running a series of simulations testing a variety of
combinations of man-made and volcanic sources. They wanted to see which
mix produces the pattern of sulfur dioxide distribution and “aerosol
optical depth” (AOD, a gauge of the atmosphere’s opacity) that most
closely matches reality. Overall, AOD has increased by between 4 percent
and 10 percent per year since 2000.
In an upcoming issue of Geophysical Research Letters,
Ryan R. Neely III and his collaborators report how they mated two
models—a global climate model and an aerosol microphysical model—and fed
them time-and-place data for industrial production and volcanic
explosions recorded from 2000 to 2010. In a departure from the usual
volcanic analysis, though, the Boulder team emphasized moderate volcanic
eruptions—those hurling a megaton or less of SO2 into the
lower stratosphere—rather than the much rarer large eruptions that
catapult many megatons of sulfur and ash into the heavens.
They found that models based only on volcano eruptions (with the
addition of aerosols from the massive 2009 fire in Victoria, Australia)
matched the satellite-observed levels more closely than any based on
anthropogenic sources. Even when the modelers boosted man-made SO2 inputs
by an order of magnitude, they didn’t come close to matching the actual
curves: “The results of these simulations unambiguously show that
moderate volcanic eruptions are the main drivers of stratospheric
aerosol variability from 2000 to 2010….”
By repeating runs while suppressing some inputs, the researchers
estimated that all human-generated sulfur dioxide worldwide accounts for
about half of current aerosol optical depth. The component attributable
specifically to increases in Chinese and Indian emissions,
though, is small—amounting to about a 4 percent increase over the five
years from 2000 to 2005.
Their simulations also indicate that the sulfur dioxide blasted into
the upper atmosphere exerts a significant global-cooling influence, in
effect cancelling out about 25 percent of the worldwide warming that
would otherwise have resulted from the accumulation of carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gases.
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